Sunday, February 19, 2012

Revelation Trumpets Sounding?

By Tom Knoblauch, editor-in-chief

In cities all over the world, strange sounds are being reported. These sounds are being described as a “hum” or a “roar.” In some cases, the sound has been described as sounding “trumpet-like.” Perhaps this is an indication that the sounds are all different and unrelated, but maybe it’s something more complicated than that.
Let’s look at some of the reports. In Seattle, the sound was reported as being a hum. There, it has been described as lasting for ten minutes at a time and going on repeatedly every day. "It's all encompassing, you go outside and try to isolate it directionally and you just can't do it," said citizen Jeff Hoyt. It is reportedly heard in the city, the woods, and even on the beach.

In Woodland, England, a humming sound has been reported by as driving the village mad. It lasts from midnight, and goes on until 4AM. This was first reported June of last year, and has since subsided after many months. This link has videos of rumbling and sucking sounds heard in Costa Rica and Columbia: The sheer number of videos makes it hard to simply write off.

Most interestingly, however, are the cases in which large trumpet-like sounds are heard. This has been reported in Canada, Denmark, France, Colorado, Costa Rica, Hungary, Tennessee, Kiev, and Indiana. These videos are all over the internet and cause a good amount of controversy. This is only understandable.
It’s easy to dismiss the videos as fake. They’re certainly easy to fake since all you need is slightly eerie audio to elicit the intended response. It should be taken into account, however, that either a LOT of people are in on it, or at least some of it is real. As Colin Andrews said on Coast to Coast AM on January 13 in reference to crop circles, if only 20% of these strange events are unexplainable, that’s remarkable. Whether 80% are faked or not, huge numbers of the population are reporting hearing some sort of strange sound around the world.

It makes for a very interesting connection to Biblical texts, in which trumpets sound before the apocalypse. Revelation 8 says, “The first angel’s trumpet sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up.” Let me remind you: there are seven trumpets. That’s just the beginning. Some have argued that the trumpets have started already and that up to four of the awful events following each trumpet have already occurred. That’s an interesting idea, but not for this article.

Is the end nigh? Even if we disregard the religious connotations with the sounds, the possibilities are troubling. Sounds are made from the earth prior to major earthquakes, for example. Does that mean that the entire world is about to be shaken by a huge quakes? Or, could it be the poles of the earth shifting? No one living has any idea what that sounds like.

That’s right. As Crystal Abrahams told us on the show last week, the polarity of the earth is due to reverse. In fact, we’re overdue. Now, that could just mean that we have to reprogram our GPS and radars, or it could mean that the poles simply shift. If this happens, we’ve got bigger fish to fry. A polar shift could change the entire structure of the earth. Seas would re-arrange themselves. Earthquakes would be a common occurrence. Basically, that’s the end of the world we know now. So, that’s another option.

The nicer theories (so to speak) being brought up deal with under the radar (no pun intended) government operations. A popular theory is that HAARP (a US Government program aimed at controlling weather) could be up to no good all over the world. Or, perhaps it’s the sound of new stealth bombers governments have conjured up. Except that seems a little odd that bombers would be flying around so frequently in the same few areas without actually doing any bombing.

Speaking of flying machines, how have we not talked about UFOs yet, right? It's hardly stretching the imagination to assume that flying saucers would make some sort of noise as they fly around. Is Signs about to happen? Crop circles, UFO sightings, and strange sounds are at an all time high in the first few months of 2012. That can’t be a coincidence. It’s not something I’m here to explain for you. All I hope is that you see there’s enough here that deserves some thought.

Until I hear the noise myself, I’ll remain interested but skeptical. Be safe everyone, and watch out for that hail and fire God’s supposed to be throwing at us if that first trumpet sounded.


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