Sunday, February 19, 2012

Has Proof of Time Travel Been Around Since 1928?

by Tom Knoblauch, editor-in-chief

During our interview last Monday, Larry Flaxman referenced this remarkable clip from a 1928 Charlie Chaplin film in which an extra walks by in the background seemingly talking on a cell phone.

It's not possible to make out what the character is holding exactly, but whatever it is is being held like a cell phone and seemingly talked into. It's worthy of a look no matter how likely it is a time traveler somehow made it into a vintage Hollywood film. 

What do you think?


  1. I like the comment on the youtube page reading: "The zebra is FAKE!"

  2. A good point has been brought to my attention regarding this - where are the cell phone towers?

    Now, I suppose we could suppose that, in a future where time travel is achievable, the problem of cell phone towers has been solved.

    Nonetheless, I do think that's a valid criticism of this video.

  3. If a society was sufficiently advanced enough to figure out time travel...the logistics of communication would be simple...

  4. True! Very true. As I point out to everyone who sees this video, product placement existed in the 1920's as well
