Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Major Bigfoot News on the Way? (UPDATED)

by Tom Knoblauch, editor-in-chief

If nothing else, this is a precursor to what could potentially be a huge story in the world of the (once) unexplained. A few weeks ago, I received a tip off that there was going to be an announcement from very respectable sources regarding the existence of Bigfoot that would confirm what so many already believe. My source wasn't much more descriptive in regards to what exactly this was, but it sounded to me like it had to do with DNA samples such as hair.

In preparation for this big story (no pun intended), I've been Googling "Bigfoot News" every few days only to find nothing has been released yet. I have, however, seen others making mention of the same scoop I got. The same ambiguous scoop, that is. If we look over to Robert Linsday's Blog article from February 11, he posted that someone "in the know" told him that by the end of the month, "A shockwave is going to be sent through the Bigfoot community. . .Things are happening now that are gonna change everything."

Now, as a logical person, or even a skeptic, you're probably wondering how there could really be a Bigfoot. How could they possibly prove it now? Well, things are looking like this breakthrough will have something to do with a certain Dr. Jeff Meldrum and Dr. Melba Ketchum. All of this comes from what sounded like shady evidence given by some hunters at Sierra Kills. Unfamiliar with that? Let me loop you in.

The Sierra Kills adventure goes as follows: some bear hunters were driving around in November 2010 on the boarder of Nevada and California in an area that Bigfoots allegedly frequent. They weren't looking for fame nor paranormal creatures. In fact, while they were driving and saw something in the road ahead, they figured it was just a bear. Being the big, testosterone based gentlemen they are, one of them decided to just go ahead and open fire. As this happened, two smaller furry creatures came down from the larger one.

They approached the scene to see that they had shot not just one, but two strange creatures that were certainly not bears. They got to witness the death of a young Bigfoot according to their testimony. Their vehicle was apparently not big enough to carry the dead creature, but they were not going to let this opportunity slide, so they cut themselves some samples of the creature. Some were for personal souvenirs (the first man to shoot a Bigfoot?), and then some of the sample was given to Dr. Melba Ketchum for DNA analysis.

The scoop myself and other involved paranormal reporters have received suggested that this has been a multiple year study involving DNA research and now proof. Is this the case that finally proves Bigfoot? We'll supposedly know by the end of the month.

In fact, not only will we know by the end of the month, but Guilty Pleasures Radio will be speaking with a representative from the BFRO (Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization) this coming Monday (the 27th), so we could very well have an exclusive announcement. Or, if it's announced otherwise, we'll still have an expert there to explain things to you. If it's all a hoax, forgive me for tooting my own horn, but things appear to be going on that only a few are aware of.


Okay, this could still be a hoax for all I know, but I found even more evidence to back up my claim on the scoop. Here's a quote from Ketchum herself: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. This is what we are doing. When we started this, I thought we would be finished in a few weeks, but instead as Sasquatch are known to do, they threw us curve balls even with their DNA which can be as elusive as they are. Thank goodness we are past that! As a result, we have assembled a renowned team, each of us with our own specialties to make this project 'extraordinary.' If everyone will hang in there, I promise it will be worth the wait. We have the proof, now just give us the opportunity to present it in a form that will even convince skeptics."

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