Friday, August 31, 2012

Man Attempting To Be Bigfoot Becomes Roadkill

Do any of those guys in Ghillie suits look like Bigfoot to you? Well, apparently these camouflage outfits looked just odd enough for one man to attempt to create a Bigfoot hoax in it. That man is, well, was Randy Lee Tenley. Tenley was walking around the Montana woods in this suit on Sunday night and then decided to take things a bit further.

You know how, in those Bigfoot shows, the people talk about the creature walking across the highway in the night? Since it's night, they don't get that good of a look at the thing, but they can tell it's no ape and it's no man. Well, that's exactly what Tenley was hoping to achieve when he walked out onto Highway 93, only to get a drastically different outcome.

First, he was hit by a 15 year old (imagine being 15 and having nearly no experience driving when some weirdo in camouflage runs out onto the road), and then was thrown into the road where a 17 year old proceeded to run him over. "He probably would not have been very easy to see at all," said state trooper Jim Schneider.

Tenley's intentions were later confirmed by one of his companions, though, curiously, the Montana people are pretty intelligent. The local Highway Patrol claims to have received no calls about any strange sightings. I suppose time will tell whether any really happened - because we'll probably see someone interviewed about this on some show at some point. At some point, they may have even come onto our radio show.

All this Bigfoot stuff helps justify my ever growing disbelief at the subject. This site has received more than one false scoop about the release of crucial Bigfoot information, and this is not something I intend to fall for again, no matter what Bigfoot Organization you belong to. All that being said, I think this story is damn funny.

All you kids reading, don't try to be Bigfoot. Or, if you must pretend to be Bigfoot, look both ways.

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