Sunday, March 4, 2012

Destiny vs. Choice and Artificial Intelligence - All This Week on Guilty Pleasures Radio

You know you're not doing anything else this Monday. So, tune into Guilty Pleasures Radio for a fantastic show! As always we're broadcast from 6-10PM Central Time through 90.7 HD2 or online at

We're starting off with bestselling author Marie D. Jones. Marie is the author and co-author of a long list of bestselling books looking into some of the most intriguing topics in existence. We'll be primarily discussing her book Destiny vs Choice: The Scientific and Spiritual Evidence Behind Fate and Free Will. Check out her site at

Then, we'll be back with Professor Hugo de Garis, who has been featured on such programs as the History Channel's Prophets of Doom, discussing the future of artificial intelligence and what it means for our future. As you can probably assume from the fact that he was on Prophets of Doom, his predictions aren't all nice and happy, thus making them far more interesting. Check out his site here

Only on Guilty Pleasures. We'll have an MP3 up within the next week.

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